The formation of Mon River Arts
The amazing programs that Lori Kolodziej created and nurtured at the Grand Theatre over the last several years (with help from her family and friends) are being presented under a new name, Mon River Arts. In early 2011, Lori sat down with a group of friends and colleagues to discuss the future of mainstage productions and children’s programs at the Grand Theatre. Since the programs started they had been funded solely through ticket sales and program tuition; and when those didn’t bring in enough money Lori and her team made up the difference out of their own pocket. Lori knew that could not continue. The wheels were put in motion to make sure that there would continue to be theatre in Elizabeth. Mon River Arts was incorporated, a board was formed, bylaws were written and all of the pieces were put in place for Mon River Arts to become a non-profit organization. In October 2011 the Board of Mon River Arts filed the 501(c)3 application and on May 11, 2012 the official letter arrived from the IRS stating that the application had been approved!
The programs are the same and Lori’s vision and passion is still driving all of the excitement. With Lori as the Executive Director of Mon River Arts, the possibilities are endless. The Board of Directors is thrilled to be a part of this great mission and we hope that you will join us in supporting Mon River Arts by making a tax-deductible contribution.
Diane McClintock Michael Nath
MRA Board President MRA Board Vice-President
Mon River Arts is producing the mainstage productions, children’s programs and classes. The Grand Theatre remains a separate, privately-owned entity.
The amazing programs that Lori Kolodziej created and nurtured at the Grand Theatre over the last several years (with help from her family and friends) are being presented under a new name, Mon River Arts. In early 2011, Lori sat down with a group of friends and colleagues to discuss the future of mainstage productions and children’s programs at the Grand Theatre. Since the programs started they had been funded solely through ticket sales and program tuition; and when those didn’t bring in enough money Lori and her team made up the difference out of their own pocket. Lori knew that could not continue. The wheels were put in motion to make sure that there would continue to be theatre in Elizabeth. Mon River Arts was incorporated, a board was formed, bylaws were written and all of the pieces were put in place for Mon River Arts to become a non-profit organization. In October 2011 the Board of Mon River Arts filed the 501(c)3 application and on May 11, 2012 the official letter arrived from the IRS stating that the application had been approved!
The programs are the same and Lori’s vision and passion is still driving all of the excitement. With Lori as the Executive Director of Mon River Arts, the possibilities are endless. The Board of Directors is thrilled to be a part of this great mission and we hope that you will join us in supporting Mon River Arts by making a tax-deductible contribution.
Diane McClintock Michael Nath
MRA Board President MRA Board Vice-President
Mon River Arts is producing the mainstage productions, children’s programs and classes. The Grand Theatre remains a separate, privately-owned entity.